returning to the fold



I’m baaaaaack. I’m feeling super refreshed after over a month (yikes!) off. I took a crap-ton of photos over the weekend of all my incoming mail to show off. I haven’t taken the time to actually make the posts yet though so don’t hold your breath.

During my “time off” I thought a lot about the direction of this blog and what I want to get out of it. I feel like I never really let my personality shine in most of my posts and I think that is a big part of why I got overwhelmed with everything. Posting should be fun for me! I want to post about the things I love, not the things I think people will enjoy. It’s been rather strange to look back on my posts and realize there is not much of ME in them. I’m pretty awful at sharing myself with other people (except through mail) and I would really like to change that. I found that I ended up comparing myself to other bloggers and feeling pretty shitty about the things I don’t accomplish, the fashionable outfits I don’t have, the perfectly decorated apartment I’m not living in, or the adventures I don’t go on. But that isn’t me. I don’t leave my house except to go to work, I don’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes or furniture, most of my money is spent on postage, and I spend my time inside making mail art and writing letters. And that’s okay because I love my life.

To kick off my return to blogging, here are some fun facts about me!


â–º I only take silly photos of myself.

â–º I don’t have any tattoos but I would really love to get a pterodactyl tattoo at some point.

â–º I lift weights! I started lifting about 3 years ago and work out 3x a week. I can deadlift 210lbs, squat 165lbs, bench 100lbs, and press 80lbs. My favorite thing about lifting weights is eating all of the food. Being strong doesn’t hurt either 😉

â–º I haven’t had a haircut in over 2 years and I have rocked the same hairstyle since high school. I really want to do something drastic when I finally break down and get a hair cut. Any suggestions?

â–º I sold my car within a month of moving to Portland. I grew up in Vegas, where having a car is an absolute necessity (if nothing else for the A/C!). I have always wanted to live somewhere that didn’t require a car to get around because I really hate driving and I’m terrible at parallel parking. I’ve been biking everywhere for the past year and walked/rode the bus before that! I absolutely love it.


â–º I’m awful at exploring/wandering around. I get pretty anxious being out in public if I’m by myself and I have no set destination. I need a reason to leave my apartment.

â–º I have 0 friends in Portland. I have plenty of acquaintances from work but I do not hang out with anyone except for my boyfriend (but we live together so that doesn’t count). I don’t really care to hang out with people so that’s probably why. I’d rather be at home writing a letter or watching something stupid on Netflix.

And, for your viewing pleasure…

4 thoughts on “returning to the fold

  1. Hahaha, I learned something new about you that we have in common! (I also feel like I need a destination/reason to leave the apartment.) Sometimes, when it’s nice outside, I have to suggest to myself to read a book in the park (instead of the couch). Or, the real paradox is that I *like* wandering around, so I give myself a mission of finding something I want to photograph. Then it’s like my camera is my sidekick, and I definitely have a reason to get out and wander.
    Also: welcome back! I’m so excited that you’ve decided to put more YOU in your blog!


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